Privacy policy

Last Updated: 13 May 2021

What data do I collect?

  • Your name

  • Your contact email address

  • Your, or your company’s, postal address (only if required, e.g. for invoicing)

  • Your contact telephone number (only if required, e.g. project-related communications)

  • Details relating to your enquiry or project (e.g. job title, type of project, word count)


How do I collect your data?

You data is collected and processed when you:

  • Contact me via the form on my website.

  • Email me directly.

  • View my website via your browser’s cookies.

  • Complete a client contact form prior to us working together.


How will your data be used?

  • For accounting purposes i.e. to create invoices to comply with HMRC requirements.

  • To respond to email queries and communicate project requirements and progress to you.

Your data will not be used for marketing or promotion purposes without getting your permission in writing first.


How long do I keep your data for?

In accordance with HMRC requirements, data records will be kept for a period of 5 years after the 31st January submission deadline of the relevant tax year.

Who do I share your data with.

No one (unless it is at your own request, or I am elected for audit by HMRC).


What are your data protection rights?

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), your have the following rights:

The right to access – You can request copies of the data I hold for you, at any time.

The right to rectification – you can request that I correct any information that your believe is inaccurate or incomplete.

The right to erasure – you have the right to request that I erase your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to restrict processing – you can request that I restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to object to processing – you have the right to object to me processing your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to data portability – you can request that I transfer the data I have collected to another organisation, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

For more information on your data protection rights see the UK Government’s guide to GDPR here.


Changes to my privacy policy

I keep my privacy policy under regular review and place any updates on this webpage.