The Book Package

The crème de la crème of editing support for your book.

Do you have a self-help book in progress that you know has the potential to change lives?

Maybe you want to grow your business and share your knowledge on a wider scale, so you can reach more people and make a difference. ⁠

Whatever your reasons, writing a book is a big deal. It's epic. Which is why I have designed a package to give you and your final draft the 5-star editorial treatment⁠.

What you get:

  • a 1-2-1 consultation call⁠ via Zoom or in person if local

  • copyedit of your manuscript⁠ including one round of revisions⁠

  • independent proofread

  • interior design and formatting

  • e-book conversion

  • a final quality check before you hit ‘publish’


  • an editorial report with feedback and recommendations

  • a bespoke style guide for your publication⁠

  • a personalised recorded tracked-changes tutorial, if requested

  • unlimited email support right up to publication day

  • 5 trees planted for your book

Prices are dependent on word count. Find a full list here.

How does it work?

  • 1.

    You email me with some details about your book − what it's about, no. words and estimated timeframe.

    We have a 1-2-1 consultation, either via Zoom or in person if you live locally to me (Shropshire, UK). We’ll have a chat (usually over a cup of coffee) where you tell me a bit more about your book and who you're writing it for. We go through your style preferences and I explain the full book package process.⁠

  • 2.

    Once you’re ready, you send me your final draft and I get to work on your first round of edits. When I've finished, you'll receive a copy of your edited manuscript with tracked changes and one 'clean' version. You'll also get a personalised style guide and an editorial report with feedback and any recommendations.⁠

  • 3.

    It's now back to you to go through the edits and make any changes.⁠

    Once you're happy with your revisions, I'll check it again to make sure everything is ship shape and ready for proofreading with one of my experienced and professionally trained associate proofreaders. An extra pair of expert eyes at this stage is invaluable.

  • 4.

    Your manuscript is now ready to send to our formatter, who will turn your Word doc into a print-ready file. It’ll start feeling very real seeing your final draft looking more like a real book!

  • 5.

    Finally, I will give your book a final quality check (aka the post-production proofread), working with you and your cover designer to give you peace of mind that your book is ready and you can press ‘publish’ with confidence.

  • 6

    You also get email support right up to publication day, so if you have any questions or want a second opinion on anything, I'm here for you!⁠

Ready to get to get started?